
Sunday, October 30, 2011

In My Mailbox: Sunday October 30

Halloween's installment of of The Story Siren's In My Mailbox meme!  Have any of you dressed up yet?  What costume did you choose?  Anything book related?

Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler

I've read both of these already, but then Twenty Boy Summer was on sale at Amazon, and I couldn't just buy one book!  It'd be lonely in the box!  So I got a friend to keep it company.

For my Kindle:
Mastiff by Tamora Pierce

Borrowed from the Library:
Farewell in Splendor: the Passing of Queen Victoria and Her Age by Jerrold M Packard

Only one book from the library?  I must have been off my game

Received from NetGalley:
The Unbearable Book Club for Unsinkable Girls by Julie Schumacher
Busted in Bollywood by Nicola Marsh
Happy Families by Tanita S Davis
Don't You Wish by Roxanne St. Clair
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Ruby Red Heart in a Cold Blue Sea by Morgan Callan Rogers
If I Tell by Janet Gurtler
Pure by Julianna Baggott

What books did you come across this week?  Leave me a link so I can check out your mailboxes!


  1. I bought MASTIFF, too, but then I went and won a copy. I'm excited to close out this trilogy!

  2. Peggy @ Pawing Through BooksOctober 30, 2011 at 11:20 AM

    Texas Gothic looks like a good read. I haven't heard too much about Mastiff, but have seen it around today in a couple IMMs. Hope you enjoy them all!

  3. wow :) the last cover is so gorgeous.

  4. HAHAHA! Lucky girl! I stayed up all Saturday night because I couldn't put Mastiff down. It made me happy in all the best ways. Aly will always be my favourite Tortall girl, but I love Beka SO MUCH.

  5. Texas Gothic was really good! I reviewed it back in August and thoroughly enjoyed the read.

    And you should totally pick up the first book in Mastiff's trilogy - Terrier, it's a fantastic trilogy about a girl cop in a medievalish world.

  6. Isn't it? I can't wait to read that one. The synopsis is so intriguing too.

  7. Wow, you made out like a bandit at NetGalley. I know what you mean about nor letting a book be lonely in the box. Books need love too.

  8. Texas Gothic does look cool. I love the cover. I hope I also get approved to read Pure soon! I'm dying to read it. So many great NetGalley titles lately.
    Enjoy all your new reads & Happy Halloween!

  9. Texas Gothic sounds really fun I have it on my TBR list as well!

    Xpresso Reads

  10. Did Dearly, Departed inspire you to get a book on the Victorian age? It's having that effect on me, too.

    And, oh dear, your list of NetGalley titles is making me want to go and request even more...

    I'm also very interested in your offer re: Becoming Marie Antoinette. I've read Antonia Fraser's biography of MA, so I feel like I can also provide my own "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN LIKE THAT" commentary. :-D

  11. I really love Sarah Ockler's writing style. I haven't read Twenty Boy Summer but I'd love to!

  12. A lot of these are new to me, and sound really good. I love how you said you had to order 2 books so the one wouldn't be lonely! LOL

  13. I've been thinking of getting Pure on NetGalley. It has a pretty, serene cover.

    I love your rationalization--I can't get just one book, it will be lonely in the box @

  14. fishgirl182 @ nite liteOctober 30, 2011 at 9:25 PM

    I loved twenty boy summer. And I have yet to read tamora pierce but it's on my list. Great haul.

  15. Great books! Pure looks interesting as well as Queen Victoria. Enjoy your new reads.

    Happy reading!

    Wannabe Librarian

  16. Great set! I tried reading Texas Gothic but it really didn't suit. Pure looks pretty interesting though. Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  17. NetGalley is one of my favourite websites EVER! And totally - books that aren't loved are sad, sad creatures.

  18. Seriously! I was going through the new titles this week, and there were SO MANY new ones that looked awesome. I can't wait to dive further into them. I hope you get Pure soon too!

    Happy Halloween!

  19. I can't wait to see what you think of it! I thought it was a fun book, but I really love Rosemary Clement-Moore.

  20. HA! That might've been it! I just noticed it when looking for a book for someone at the library, and I really enjoyed his book on Victoria's daughters (which is unsurprisingly called Victoria's Daughters).

    NetGalley will continue to suck you in! :D

    Yay! That would be so much fun! And I LOVE Antonia Fraser so much. She's such an amazing writer and historian.

  21. It's seriously amazing! I hope you love it - and did you see that her new book is coming out in January now? HURRAY!

  22. A bunch of them were brand new on NetGalley this week, and I totally swooped down with requests. :D And I just want my little book friends to be happy!

  23. The cover of Pure is so lovely. Though then it worries me because the last time I thought that about a post-apoc-ish novel was Glow, and I wasn't entirely keen on it.

    :D They seem to be good friends now!

  24. Tamora Pierce has been one of my favourite authors since I was 8 or 10. I'd feel dorky about the "reading the same author since then," but she's so good!

  25. Thank you! I'm enjoying them so far! And I love books about Queen Victoria - she was such an interesting person!

  26. Aww, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it! I had some major issues, but overall, I thought it was a lot of fun. And I can't wait to read Pure! I think that might be next up.

  27. 'Pure' sounds really interesting, I'll have to keep an eye out for that one. Great haul! Happy reading!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I read and adore each one.