Friday's meme day in the blogosphere, and I love getting to visit with
new and old people every week to see their answers to the questions
TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by GReads!
This week at Books and Threads
Sunday: In My Mailbox
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Endings that Left Me Agape
Waiting on Wednesday: Mastiff by Tamora Pierce
This Week's Question:
...this is a scary question! I have 10 books out of the library, 5 dead tree books that I've bought but not read and...a whole bunch on my Kindle that's not near enough to me for me to count right now. But there's probably 6 or 10 normal books and another good chunk of Netgalley books. In other words, I'm pretty content not to get up and grab the Kindle and have to count. Then there's my to-be-read list on Goodreads which is over 100, but that's partially books that haven't come out yet. So yeah, it's a little bit intimidating to think about like that! Probably the number one book that I've been meaning to reading since summer and just haven't opened it is my friend Janine Spendlove's War of the Seasons.
Follow My Book Blog Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read to feature a different blogger every week and let all of us stop by to say hi!

You should go check her site out! She's got a lot of cool reviews and a gorgeous blog design.
Q.If you could pick one character in a book, movie or television show to swap places with, who would it be?
Such a hard question! I'm sure my answer depends on my mood and the phase of the moon and every other possible factor. So with that caveat...
Right now, I'd love to be Annabeth from Percy Jackson and the Olympians - the books. Definitely the books and not the movie! Or Hermione (obvious answer!) from the Harry Potter books...but I'd really be more into Harry. Sorry, Ron.
Oooh, what about Kat from Heist Society or Mrs. Coach from Friday Night Lights (because mmm, Coach, hi). Or Josh Lyman from The West Wing or Willow from Buffy ...though minus the dark veiny stuff. I would totally love to be Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy, but I'm pretty sure I'm not that badass. Maybe I'd be better as Lissa Dragomir. I'd so be a good Queen, I swear.
Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Crazy for Books that allows us to connect with and support other book bloggers who love books just as much as we do!

“It’s time to spread some love beyond the borders of the Book Blogger Hop! This week, we aren’t answering a question. We are spotlighting our fellow bloggers. Find your favorite(s) author interview(s), guest post(s), book review(s), or bookish article(s) that ANOTHER BOOK BLOGGER featured on their site recently and tell us why you love it/them! As an additional challenge, find your favorite one of EACH of the categories above and spotlight all 4 (interview, guest post, review, article).”
One of my favourite blogging features each week is YA Highway's Road Trip Friday. It's a collection of links about writing, reading, publishing, and crazy other stuff that's gone on during the past week, and it's always both hilarious and interesting. YA Highway itself is a neat blog written by a lot of young adult authors to talk about YA and the world. I pretty much love it for the amusement and sometimes even serious posts.
Also I can't link to all of them, but I admire so much all of you who do author interviews! I always read them with great interest, and I love seeing all your brilliant and incisive questions and the author's answers. It gives such a neat insight into the mind of authors and bloggers, and you guys who do it are so incredibly awesome!
Great answers! My fiance just started reading Percy Jackson for his Lit Education class that he's student teaching. I think he's enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteNew follower!
Good choices, I did not think about Rose Hathaway, but you are probably right. I do not think anyone could be able to kick butt as good as her.
ReplyDeleteNew Follower
My FF Hop
Love all of your choices, so many good ones to chose from. If I could just skip around and try all of their lives out then that would be awesome because I also had a really hard time deciding on just one character. I also completely forgot about Rose and she'd be a fun person to switch with. I doubt I could be that kickass but it'd be fun to try!
ReplyDeleteNew Follower
My Follow Friday
Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
So many people chose Hermione but so far I seem to be the only one who would actually want to end up with Ron! lol Poor Ron, I love him so much...or maybe it's just Rupert Grint, he's such a cutie. I hear ya on the TBR list, it's kind of mind-boggling just how many books we seem to accumulate and then pine for on top of that! Happy Friday!
ReplyDeletePS - I could have sworn I was following your about falling down on the job. Or maybe it's Blogger's fault, it's been kind of wonky lately. Anyway, following you now!
ReplyDeleteThe War of the Seasons looks like a great book, I am going to have to put it on my TBR list!
ReplyDeletei haven't heard of war of the seasons! i'm stopping by from the hop, I'm a new follower!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the Percy Jackson movie, but I REALLY want to read the books!
Some great choices there. But I can't condone you being a Hermione who's not into Ron. Ron needs some love, too!
ReplyDeleteI agree it'd be great to be FNL's Tami, to be part of the fab Coach and Tami team.
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
ReplyDeleteAnnabeth is great answer! I liked her character a lot.
Kat from Heist Society is a really good pick. I could never be a master thief, but she has it down:)
ReplyDelete-Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (new follower)