Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: Glamour in Glass by Mary Robinette Kowal

Waiting on Wednesday is the awesome meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine to highlight exciting upcoming books.  This week, I'm excited for:

Glamour in Glass
by Mary Robinette Kowal
April 10, 2012

Mary Robinette Kowal stunned readers with her charming first novel Shades of Milk and Honey, a loving tribute to the works of Jane Austen, set in a world where magic is an everyday occurrence. This magic comes in the form of glamour, which allows talented users to form practically any illusion they can imagine. Shades went on to earn great acclaim, became a finalist for the prestigious Nebula and Locus Awards, and left readers eagerly awaiting its sequel, Glamour in Glass, which continues to follow the lives of beloved main characters Jane and Vincent, with a deeper vein of drama and intrigue.

In the tumultuous months after Napoleon abdicates his throne, Jane and Vincent go to France for their honeymoon. While there, the deposed emperor escapes his exile in Elba, throwing the continent into turmoil. With no easy way back to England, they struggle to escape. But when Vincent is captured as a British spy, Jane realizes that their honeymoon has been a ruse to give them a reason to be in Europe.

Left with no outward salvation, Jane is left to overcome her own delicate circumstances and use her glamour to rescue her husband from prison... and hopefully prevent her newly built marriage from getting stranded on the shoals of another country's war.

I really, really enjoyed the first book Shades of Milk and Honey, and my major concern was that the story didn't go far enough!  It was mostly just a light and frothy pastiche of Jane Austen novels which made me want more.  So I'm all kinds of excited by the synopsis of this second book with intrigue! And war! And spying!

April can't come soon enough - but at least everyone who hasn't read book one yet has plenty of time of read Shades of Milk and Honey!