Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Want to Reread

When I read this week's prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish, my thoughts went in two different directions - there are the books I want to reread to experience again and there's the ones I wish I could reread again for the first time because I just wish I could watch it all happen again with fresh eyes.  So I'm splitting my list in half.

HAHAHA, and now that the main meme post is up, I see that 'reread again for the first time' is actually a topic for a few weeks from now.  Ah well, I'm leaving this one as it is, and we'll see if my answers are the same in a few weeks.

Those I Want to Reread Because Rereading is One of My Favourite Things to Do
1. Tam Lin by Pamela Dean.  This is a book that just gets better every time I reread it.  I've read it probably 15 times, and I still find something new each time.
2. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.   I read this book pretty quickly, and I know I missed lots of details.
3. Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain.  This is probably my favourite book in the world.  It's the journal of a girl goes up to Oxford then serves as a VAD overseas during World War I.  It's tragic and beautiful and utterly gorgeous.  I love rereading it.
4. A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones and so on) by George R.R. Martin.  I never read Feast of Crows because I got sick of the long wait between books, but now I want to read that and A Dance With Dragons so I really need to reread the first three.
5. Long May She Reign by Ellen Emerson White. I adore the President's Daughter quartet, and this is my absolute favourite.  It's hard to read in places due to the absolutely honesty of the emotion and situations, but Meg is a snarky, hilarious, and hardcore heroine who I like to revisit as often as possible.

Those I Wish I Could Read Again Like It's the First Time
1. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling.  Can you imagine? I want to be able to meet Harry, Ron, and Hermione and see Hogwarts again for the very first time!  It's been twelve years since I read the first Harry Potter book, but the idea of being able to read all seven in a row without the waiting in between is so tantalizing.
2. Feed and Deadline by Mira Grant.  These are amazing, amazing books with crazy plot twists.  I love rereading them, but I wonder if I'd guess the twists if I got to try again.
3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  There was so much power and emotion while reading this book.  I stayed up til 4am, weeping the entire time.  The whole experience was awful and sad and so good.
4. The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde.  I wasn't in a good mood when I read this one, and it affected my enjoyment of the books and series.  I want to start over, please.
5. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  I don't really want to lose all my memories of reading this over the years, but I'm so curious to see if I'd even like it without the years of memories.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your lists too.  I love rereading books, but I know it's not for everyone so I'm so curious to see what catches people's attention.  Do be sure to leave the link to your top ten post!